Create an unattended Installation CD

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  1. ReactOS Build Environment


  1. Start ReactOS Build Environment
  2. On the prompt navigate into a folder that you want to hold the ReactOS source files e.g: C:\react
  3. Get a working copy of the ReactOS source code
  4. Edit boot/bootdata/bootcd/unattend.inf to suit your needs, make sure to set UnattendSetupEnabled = yes
  5. Optional: want Gecko? Place the setup at modules/optional/wine_gecko-2.40-x86.msi, in case you don't want Gecko place a file with 0kb with the same name to skip the question in second stage
  7. run cd output-MinGW-i386/reactos
  8. run ninja bootcd
  9. The resulting bootcd.iso can be mounted or burned to CD

Find TimeZoneIndex here

Find LocaleID here

You can keep a clean tree by ignoring changes to unattend.inf using git update-index --assume-unchanged boot/bootdata/bootcd/unattend.inf

See also

Automatic Slipstreamed Installation of drivers

A layman's guide - Unattended installation